Research and campaigns

Cost of living dashboard

Britain is facing its biggest cost of living crisis in decades. Citizens Advice has seen more people coming to us for  help with crisis support, energy problems and not having enough money to make ends meet than ever before. 

This report, updated monthly, contains insights on how the crisis is affecting people in our local area. If you have any questions please get in touch at

202406 Reading CoL dashboard.pdf

CAR Research and Campaigns 2022-23

Citizens Advice offices across the country have two aims:

We call the second aim Research and Campaigns, but what we mean by that is we are trying to deliver change for the better, locally and nationally. This report covers the work we did at Citizens Advice Reading to help make changes that will make people’s lives better, even if they have never approached us for advice.

CAR Research and Campaigns 2022-23.pdf

Reports from Citizens Advice

Home safe_ Giving consumers confidence to install low carbon technologies - December 2023.pdf

Policy research from national Citizens Advice. Read more